Type 3 forms allready stored in the wiki
DIGGING CAVES TO CATCH WATER - The restoration of ancestral in the Sassi of Matera
FORMS OF SOCIAL SOLIDARITY - Programa Sociocambiental de ITAIPU Bionacional y Socios
KNOWLEDGE PASSED ON DOWN THE GENERATIONS - Land degradation and possible solutions through education
TERRACING SYSTEMS - The rescue of Lalibela Primary school
TYPOLOGIES OF OASIS SETTLEMENTS - Program for the Protection and Development of the Southern Oases
TYPOLOGIES OF OASIS SETTLEMENTS - Sustainable management of water resources in the Oases of Tunisia's Arid Regions
UNDERGROUND CATCHMENT TUNNELS - O.A.S.I. Project, Restoring of a Foggara System
UNDERGROUND CATCHMENT TUNNELS - Monastery of Saint Jacques, Restoring of a Qnat System
WATER HARVESTING IN POOLS AND CISTERNS - The restoration of ancient techniques for catching and holding water
WATER INTAKES AND CHANNELS - Integrated water management of the transborder basin and sustainable agriculture